IMPULSE-HE is the second generation laser from the IMPULSE family that provides more pulse energy with the same salient features that our Model IMPULSE is famous for. It is built on the same all-diode-pumped, direct-diode-pumped Yb-doped fiber oscillator/amplifier system architecture capable of producing variable pulse energies in excess of 70μJ with user-adjustable repetition rates between single-shot and 25MHz.
IMPULSE-HE is based on a revolutionary new concept in mode-locked oscillator/amplifier technology. The Yb-doped fiber-oscillator/fiber-amplifier design combines the low noise performance of solid-state operation with the high spatial mode quality of fiber lasers.
IMPULSE-HE is a second generation, compact, robust, one-box source of femtosecond to picosecond pulses with the ease-of-operation, stability and reliability. All major parameters are fully computer controlled, enabling easy interface to a workstation or experimental setup. IMPULSE-HE is remotely accessible for control of all laser parameters and diagnostics.
Ideal for: NOPAs/OPAs pumping including UV to Mid-IR NOPAs to generate extremely short pulses,harmonic generators (2nd, 3rd and 4th), MHz high harmonic generation, electron microscopes, pump/probe and nonlinear spectrometers and micromachining workstations.