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作者: kevin    發(fā)布于: 2020-03-26 20:43    點擊:次

Magellan HE

High-energy Femtosecond Fiber Oscillator

Magellan HE (high-energy femtosecond fiber oscillator) is a Yb-doped amplified fiber oscillator. Magellan HE can replace a traditional Ti:Sapphire oscillator with more pulse energy and comes with stability and durability that you expect from a fiber laser.

This is a plug-and-play laser with superior beam profile and long term stability under various conditions. Comes with optional pulse-picker, wavelength conversion units for SHG, THG and FHG.

  • Yb-doped fiber gain medium ⇒ high stability
  • Single-emitter diode pump ⇒ long life
  • Compact, all-in-one-box design ⇒ easy to use
  • Operates from 1.025-1.035 μm ⇒ ideal for bio applications
  • 25 MHz repetiton rate ⇒ longer sample relaxation time
  • nJ level pulse energies ⇒ access to nonlinear effects
  • Extremely low noise ⇒ high signal-to-noise ratio
  • Optional SHG/THG ⇒ access to visible/UV wavelength
Center wavelength: Fixed between 1.025 and 1.035 microns
Center wavelength: Fixed between 1.025 and 1.035 microns
Transverse mode: TEM00
Repetition rate: Nominal 25 MHz
Beam diameter: 1.8 mm +/- 0.2 mm
Beam divergence: < 2 mrad
Dimensions: 27 x 26 x 7.5 in3
Performance Parameters
Pulse energy: >200 nJ/pulse
Pulse width: < 200 fs
Average power: 5W

Ideal for

  • TPEF
  • Micromachining
  • Microsurgery/Nano ablation
  • Microscopy/Spectroscopy
  • THz generation
  • Photopolymerization
  • Amplifier seed oscillator
  • OCT
  • Synchronize with streak camera
  • Fluorescence up-conversion setups


High-energy Femtosecond Fiber Oscillator

Magellan-5 (high-energy femtosecond fiber oscillator) is a Yb-doped amplified fiber oscillator. Magellan-5 can replace a traditional Ti:Sapphire oscillator with more pulse energy and average power and comes with stability and durability that you expect from a fiber laser.

This is a plug-and-play laser with superior beam profile and long term stability under various conditions. Comes with optional pulse-picker, wavelength conversion units for SHG, THG and FHG.

Center wavelength: Fixed between 1.025 and 1.035 microns
Center wavelength: Fixed between 1.025 and 1.035 microns
Transverse mode: TEM00
Repetition rate: Nominal 25 MHz
Beam diameter: 1.8 mm +/- 0.2 mm
Beam divergence: < 2 mrad
Dimensions: 27 x 26 x 7.5 in3
Performance Parameters
Pulse energy: >200 nJ/pulse
Pulse width: < 150 fs
Average power: 5W



IMPULSE-HE is the second generation laser from the IMPULSE family that provides more pulse energy with the same salient features that our Model IMPULSE is famous for. It is built on the same all-diode-pumped, direct-diode-pumped Yb-doped fiber oscillator/amplifier system architecture capable of producing variable pulse energies in excess of 70μJ with user-adjustable repetition rates between single-shot and 25MHz.

IMPULSE-HE is based on a revolutionary new concept in mode-locked oscillator/amplifier technology. The Yb-doped fiber-oscillator/fiber-amplifier design combines the low noise performance of solid-state operation with the high spatial mode quality of fiber lasers.

IMPULSE-HE is a second generation, compact, robust, one-box source of femtosecond to picosecond pulses with the ease-of-operation, stability and reliability. All major parameters are fully computer controlled, enabling easy interface to a workstation or experimental setup. IMPULSE-HE is remotely accessible for control of all laser parameters and diagnostics.

Ideal for: NOPAs/OPAs pumping including UV to Mid-IR NOPAs to generate extremely short pulses,harmonic generators (2nd, 3rd and 4th), MHz high harmonic generation, electron microscopes, pump/probe and nonlinear spectrometers and micromachining workstations.

  • Direct-diode-pumped Yb-fiber oscillator/amplifier design
  • All-diode pumped, all-solid state construction
  • Robust, one-box design
  • >20 Watts Average Power @ 1 MHz repetition rate
  • Repetition rate variable from single-shot to 25 MHz
  • Complete computer control and web enabled
  • High beam quality
  • Low noise, cw-pumped
  • High stability and longevity
Performance Parameters
Repetition rate: User adjustable via embedded computer from single-shot to 25 MHz (in increments of the oscillator repetition rate divided by a whole integer
Pulse energy: User adjustable via embedded computer up to 40uJ
Average power output: User adjustable via computer up to 20 Watts
Pulse width: User adjustable via computer between < 250 fs and > 8 ps
Transverse mode: TEM00
M2: < 1.2
Variation in pulse energy: < 1% rms
Center Wavelength: 1.03 microns

Ideal for

  • Micromachining
  • Photopolymerization
  • Direct-write waveguides
  • High S/N pump/probe
  • OPA/NOPA pumping

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