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作者: Kevin Peng    發(fā)布于: 2017-01-30 15:02    點擊:次

The real time resolution vivo imaging system
The system is for customer measure live camera fluorescence-lifetime imaging. FVO-I-M can use for test time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay. Like use IgG-Eu-IDPA for fluorescence probe to measure IOV antigen, we use 565nm fs laser to excite the IgG-EU-IDPA’s fluorescence, FVO-I-M use ICCD to detect fluorescence imaging, We can get biology effect after taking medicine by detecting IVO activity, FVO-I-M can help medical researchers to develop new drugs. Lots of researchers have been used this fluorescence probe to do their experiment, FVO-I-M can help them get the real-time image about this fluorescence.
FVO-I-M system also can use for ultra-micro immunological analysis method is a method involving the advantages of enzyme-labeled immunoassay and radio- immunoassay without radioactive contamination. It is already used in the detection of pathogenic microbial antigen and antibody such as HAV, HBV, Japanese encephalitis virus, influenza virus,respiratory syncytial virus, rotavirus, immunodeficiency virus and the blood virus.
FVO-I-M system can also be used for determination of tumor markers, such as alpha fetoprotein (AFP), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), carbohydrate antigen CA50, PSA etc.
FVO-I-M system will include a femtosecond(ps) pulse laser(different Drugs need different wave lasers), a convertible lens, the ICCD camera and a XYZ Motorized stage,the system will be set in a box, the box provide a dark background system, that can help sysytem became high sensitivity.
1024 x 1024 Imaging Array High resolution imaging and spectroscopy
laser The system use 632nm laser, and can use any wave laser if need*
All in dark The system is working in a box, no another noise.
10 MHz** / 16-bit digitization Video frame rates and higher to efficiently synchronize with high repetition rate lasers
Wide selection of intensifiers Best sensitivity and gate speed in the desired wavelength range
Gen II Provides wide spectral coverage with UV, SB, RB and SR intensifiers from UV - NIR, with options  for MCP gating and Picosecond gating
Gen III filmless Offers highest sensitivity and option for Picosecond gating
Fiberoptic coupling Highest optical throughput; No vignetting
Optional: Picosecond gating < 500 ps gating delivers high temporal resolution for effective background discrimination
Super HV - Built-in high voltage pulser Rugged design without a bulky external controller, for high repetition rate gating and minimal insertion delay
SuperSynchro - Built-in Built-in, fully software controlled gate timing; Controls gate widths and delays in linear, or
programmable timing generator exponential increments; Low insertion delay (~ 27 ns). See page 3 for more info.
SyncMaster I and II Provides continuous TTL signals to control external instruments such as a laser; Eliminates need for external timing generater in most experiments
MCP gating Provides < 8 ns gate width for slow gate intensifiers while preserving high QE
Bracket pulsing Preserves high ON/OFF ratio of the Gen II intensifier in the UV - No sync pulse required
GigE interface Industry standard for fast data transfer over long distances, up to 50 M
PICAM (64-bit) / PVCAM (32-bit) Compatible with Windows10/ 8/7/XP, and Linux;
software development kits (SDKs) Universal programming interfaces for easy custom programming.
Large area image Up to 100x60mm large image area by lens and XY stage
LabVIEW Scientific Imaging Pre-defined LabView vis provide easy integration of the camera into complex experiment setup
Measure Raman Easy to upgrade the system to measure the raman image and mapping.
*You can use any laser if you want which wavelength is in 300nm-1000nm
** With dual port readout at 5 MHz/port

Detector format 1024 x 1024 imaging pixels; 13.0 x 13.0 μm pixels; 13.3 x 13.3 (18.8 mm diagonal)
System read noise (e- rms) @ 1 MHz digitization @ 2 MHz digitization @ 10 MHz digitization Typical 7.0 9.0 20.0 Maximum 10 17 30.0
Pixel full well 100 ke-
Dark current @ -25° C (max)  2 e-/p/sec
CCD temperature
@ + 23° C room temperature @ + 20° C ambient
-20° C, -30° C (Liquid assist), Guaranteed (Air),
-25° C (Air) ,-35° C (Liquid assist)
Vertical shift rate 6.0 μs/row
Intensifiers available 18 mm - Gen II, Gen III filmless
Method of coupling to the CCD 1:1 fiber optic
Intensifier type Gen II Gen III Filmless
  SB HBf
Min. Gate Width (Optical FWHM)* Optional Picosecond Gate Fast Gate Slow Gate < 500 ps (for Fast Gate tubes only) ~ 2 ns (typical), 3 ns (guaranteed) For SB only: < 200 ns, < 8 ns (w/MCP gating)  < 500 ps (for Fast Gate tubes only) ~ 2 nsec (typical), 3 nsec (guaranteed) -NA-
Repetition rate: Sustained 1 MHz; 100 kHz with Picosecond gating; 8 kHz with MCP gating; 6.25 kHz with MCP bracket pulsing
Resolution limit 40 to 64 lp/mm 57 to 64 lp/mm
Equivalent Background Illumination (EBI) Photo e-/pixel/sec @ room temp 0.05 - 0.2 (0.005 - 0.02) 0.02 (0.002)
Phosphor P43 (P46, P47 optional)
Image area 100x60mm
XYstage Travel range: 130 x 85 mm;Repeatability: < 1 μm;(bi-directional, measured according to VDI / DGQ 3441)
Accuracy: +/- 3 μm (measured according to VDI / DGQ 3441)
Resolution: 0,01 μm (smallest step size)
Limit switches: hall sensors
software Control and take XY PL and Raman mapping
Operating environment +5° C to +30° C non-condensing
Storage environment -25° C to +55° C
Size 630x1230x650mm
Weight 43kg
Timing Generator
The FVO-I-M system is the next generation, use Princeton Instruments’ fully-integrated scientific intensified CCD camera (ICCD) system featuring a 1k x 1k full-frame CCD fiber optically coupled to a variety of Gen II and Gen III filmless intensifiers. The intensifiers provide the highest possible sensitivity from UV to NIR and offer resolution that is ideally matched to the CCD. Picosecond gating capability of < 500ps and an integrated programmable timing generator (SuperSynchro) built into the camera make these ICCD cameras ideal for time-resolved imaging and spectroscopy applications.
Internal Timing Generator 0.05 Hz - 1 MHz
Gate Delay + Width Range* ~0.01 ns to 21 sec (from T0)
Timing resolution/ Timing jitter 10 ps / 35 ps rms
Insertion delay < 27 ns (trigger in to intensifier opening)
External Sync (Trigger In) -5 v to +5 v (including TTL); AC/DC coupling: 50 ohm / High Z Variable Threshold; +ve or -ve edge
Pre Trigger In TTL input. A rising edge will stop CCD Cleans and set camera to wait for the external trigger for fastest response. User selectable option.
SyncMASTER1 Programmable continuous frequency output to synchronize external devices with PI-MAX4, e.g. Laser
SyncMASTER2 Programmable continuous frequency output (delay from SyncMASTER1- 100 ns - 6.55 msec) synchronize external devices with PI-MAX4, e.g. Q-switch

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